Petroleum reservoir Fluids are a complex mixture of various hydrocarbon families and few hydrocarbon families such as Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, Hydrogen Sulphide ,and others. Further, the Reservoir fluid may exist as a single-phase or in two-phase situations depending upon reservoir pressure and temperature.

Moreover, the Reservoir Fluids are characterized in the Lab, however, most lab characterizations are limited to SCN 20+ or in some cases it goes up to C36+. In addition, the full range of PVT phase envelope as required for various reservoir simulations, transient well models and facilities models are not generally available in the Lab. The POAS PVT software generates the expanded analysis of Reservoir Fluids by characterizing the oil up to SCN 121+. This helps in accurate prediction of PVT phase envelopes, characterization of Saturates, Aromatics, Resin ,and Asphaltene.

The software is equipped with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent Features, which accurately characterizes the Crude Oil and Gas Condensate, Accurate calculation of Mass, Density, Boiling Point, Refractive Index, Critical Properties, Acentric Factors, PIONA (Paraffins, iso-paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes ,and Aromatics), Simulates Flow Assurance (Asphaltene Deposition, Wax Depositions, Scales, Sludges and Havier Hydrocarbons), Accurate Thermodynamic Analysis, Detailed four-phase Flash Calculations including Gas, Oil, Water ,and Solids (Asphaltene / Wax, etc.).

The software has 15 EOS (Equation of State) including two-parameter, three-parameter, four-parameter, five-parameter POAS Cubic EOS, POAS Cubic Plus Equation of States and New Generation of POAS SAFT EOS. By having the highest level of Automation in the Software all the EOS can be run at one time and by Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence mechanism it selects the best EOS to accurately match Bubble Point Pressure, CCE, CVD, Fluid Density, Separator Gas Composition, GOR, Formation Volume Factor, EOR Lab results, Upper & Lower Asphaltene Deposition Envelope, Wax Deposition Envelope, Hydrate Envelope, Elemental Sulfur Deposition Envelope and other Lab results. Based upon the accurately tuned EOS, the correct simulation of Phase Envelopes is done.

In addition, the software accurately predicts and matched fluid viscosity versus pressure and temperature. Also, it predicts Surface Tension, Heat of vaporization, Heat Capacity, Thermal conductivity ,and other Thermodynamic Parameters. The fluid combustion properties such as RON, MON, CTANE Number, Net Heat of Combustion, Flash Point, Aniline Number ,etc. are also calculated.

The Chemometric Analysis Section of the Software determines the elemental composition of each SCN cuts of Crude Oil. The elemental compositional analysis consists of number of Aliphatic Carbon & Hydrogen, Naphthenic Carbon & Hydrogen, Aromatic Carbon & Hydrogen, Branched Aliphatic Carbon & Hydrogen, Presence of Hetro Atoms (S,O & Nitrogen), various Functional Groups (35 numbers), H/C, N/C, O/C and S/C ratios and many more chemical fingerprint analysis of crude oil.

The detailed fingerprinting analysis helps in estimating fluid communication analysis, fluid migrations, fault communications, improved reservoir simulations ,and facilities simulations.

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