Artificial Lift Monitoring, Diagnosis and Production Performance Optimization

Root Cause Analysis and identification of parameters which are causing ESP malfunctioning, ESP tripping and ESP failure are offered by utilizing advance technology of Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence.

We have POAS Platform (Production Optimization Advisory Solutions), which consists of Advance compositional PVT simulation, Multiphase (3-4 phase) transient well model, Flow Assurance & ESP Monitoring and Optimization, Asphaltene deposits, Wax Deposits, Scale deposits, Sulfur Deposits and other solid deposits modeling and recommending actual solutions to increase well production.

Also, we have Corrosion Modeling & Well Integrity Enhancement Solutions, Diagnosis of higher Watercut & higher GOR, and provide fit to purpose technologies for addressing these challenges. The technology platform effectively addresses the following major challenges and provides an opportunity to address them effectively.

  • ESP Run Life – Maximization of ESP Run Life as per plan / design is Major challenges. The premature failure of ESP invites costly workover and immediate production loss. This system has ESP survival Analysis and ESP run Life Enhancement Module based upon highly advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies. The system clearly demonstrates present and future ESP performance trends and the mean time to failure. Also, it recommends an appropriate action plan to increase ESP run life and uptime of well’s production.

  • Tripping due to various reasons such as “Electrical Reasons”, “Power Quality Issues”, “Reservoir Related Issues”, “Well Integrity Issues”, “Flow Assurance” and improper monitoring are effectively addressed. Real-Time ESP parameter Monitoring and Advance Analysis including PMS (Preventive Maintenance Solutions), which estimates ESP tripping, chaos detection and fault diagnosis in ESP system, Solids, Viscous Sludge, Emulsions, Scale Deposits in ESP housing and across ESP Shaft, under load and Overload Predictions, Gas Locking & ESP tripping, ESP malfunctioning parameters attributed to wellbore and reservoir. Further, it also takes in to account the Power Quality issues, Electrical Imbalance, recommends necessary actions in real- time to enhance ESP performance. The PMS System informs about the occurrences of any event at least 7-8 days in advance to take necessary preventive actions.

  • Availability of Real-time reliable Production Rate, Water Cut ,and GOR – In several oil companies, the daily production rate, water cut and GOR are based upon, the previous Portable Well Tests, which doesn’t reflect the reality of well’s & field’s production. Further, in some companies they calculate the production rate based upon the Steady State Well Modeling with a high amount of errors. The system is equipped with multiphase transient well modeling, Flow Assurance and Real-Time reliable prediction of Liquid Production Rate, Water Cut ,and GOR. This provides well’s and field’s Production rate in real-time. Also, the system demonstrates opportunities for optimizing and increasing production at well level and field level.

  • Fast Computations – The system is mounted on Big Data analysis Confluent Kafka Platform with Mongo dB database, which allows fast computations with all of its features. The system computes up to a maximum of 5000 wells at one time in one batch. Which enables to get operator all the relevant information on nearly real-time.

  • Accessibility & Realtime Collaborations– The system can be run and the data can be visualized and analyzed by authenticated users from phones, tablets, PCs, Laptop’s and other applications, while he is in the office or outside the office, similar to online banking applications. This feature enables users (engineers & managers) to collaborate in real-time and take the collaborative decision.
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